Rose Arch

rose_arch is a built-in Rose app that provides a generic solution to the archiving of suite files.

Good Practice

Only archive the minimum files needed at each cycle of your suite. Run the archiving task before any housekeeping in the graph.


Create a new Rose suite configuration:

mkdir -p ~/rose-tutorial/rose-arch-tutorial

Create a blank rose-suite.conf and a suite.rc file that looks like this:

    UTC mode = True # Ignore DST
        abort on timeout = True
        timeout = PT1H
        graph = make_files => archive_files_rsync => archive_files_scp
        env-script = eval $(rose task-env)
        script = rose task-run

        script = """
            echo 'zip' >> $ROSE_DATAC/file_zip
            echo 'solo' >> $ROSE_DATAC/file_solo
            echo 'list1' >> $ROSE_DATA/file_list1
            echo 'list2' >> $ROSE_DATA/file_list2
            echo 'list3' >> $ROSE_DATA/file_list3
            mkdir -p $ROSE_DATA/ARCHIVING || true
            mkdir -p $ROSE_DATA/ARCHIVING/rename || true

In the suite directory create an app/ directory:

mkdir app

In the app directory create an archive_files_rsync/ directory:

cd app
mkdir archive_files_rsync

In the app/archive_files_rsync/ directory create a rose-app.conf file. This example uses vi, but please use your editor of choice:

cd archive_files_rsync
vi rose-app.conf

Paste in the following lines:



command-format=rsync -a %(sources)s %(target)s


source=file_list1 file_list3



Move to the app/ directory:

cd ..

The following should be returned:


Create an archive_files_scp/ directory:

mkdir archive_files_scp

In the archive_files_scp/ directory create a rose-app.conf file. This example uses vi, but please use your editor of choice:

cd archive_files_scp
vi rose-app.conf

Paste in the following lines:



command-format=scp %(sources)s %(target)s



You have now created a suite that defines three tasks:

Sets up the files and ARCHIVING/ directory for archive_files_rsync/ and archive_files_scp/ to “archive”, move, data to.
“Archives” (rsync’s) files to the ARCHIVING/ folder in the $ROSE_DATA/ directory.
“Archives” (scp’s) the renamed files and moves them to the ARCHIVING/ folder in the $ROSE_DATA/ directory.

Save your changes and run the suite:

rose suite-run

View the suite output using rose suite-log and inspect the output of the make_files, archive_files_rsync and archive_files_scp tasks.

Results Of “Archiving”

Change to the $ROSE_DATA/ARCHIVING/ directory of the suite i.e:

cd ~/cylc-run/<name>/share/data/ARCHIVING/

List the directory by typing:


You should see the following returned:

dir  file_zipped.tar  files  rename  solo.file

Change directory to files/ and list the files:

cd files

The following should be returned:

file_list1  file_list3

Change directory to ARCHIVING/dir/ and list the files:

cd ..
cd dir

The following should be returned:

file_list1  file_list2 file_list3


These were all of the files in the $ROSE_DATA/ directory.

Change directory to ARCHIVING/rename/ and list the files:

cd ..
cd rename

The following should be returned:

1_1_file_list1 1_2_file_list2 1_3_file_list3

These are the renamed files.

Most users will have their own system or location that they wish to archive their data to. Here the example shown uses rsync and scp. Please refer your own site specific archiving solutions and seek site specific advice.

Arch Settings

Some settings that can be used are described below. See the rose_arch documentation for more information:

Above .tar was used to compress the file. However, compress=gzip can also be used. Note either of these commands can be used to compress a file or a folder/directory.

In the above example a regular expression ‘reg exp’ was used by the rename-parser, for example, ^.*list(?P<tag>.*)$, where:

  • ^ = start of a string.
  • $ = end of a string.
  • . = any character.
  • * = greedy (all).
  • ?P<NAME> = named group.


rose arch uses the Python flavor for regular expressions.

In the above example source was used to accept a list of glob patterns. For example, file_list? was used where the ? relates to one unknown character.


These examples are just some possible examples and not a full list.

As well as rose_arch[arch] and [arch:TARGET] other options can be provided to the app, for example:


Can be defined near the top of the app to allow an environment variable to be available to the [arch:] commands in the app.

Also see rose-app.conf[env] and the suite example above.

Polling can be defined, and is often near the bottom of the app. This will allow the app to poll with a defined delay, e.g. rose-app.conf[poll]delays=5.
This option allows the user to, for example, make the directory TARGET, e.g. *[file:TARGET]mode=mkdir.

For more information, see the rose_arch documentation.