File Creation Mode

The application launcher will use the following logic to determine the root directory to install file targets with a relative path:

  1. If the setting rose-app.conf|file-install-root=PATH is specified in the application configuration file, its value will be used.
  2. If the environment variable ROSE_FILE_INSTALL_ROOT is specified, its value will be used.
  3. Otherwise, the working directory of the task will be used.
Rose Configuration *
Config schemes
  • fs – The file system scheme. If a URI looks like an existing path in the file system, this scheme will be used.
  • namelist – The namelist scheme. Refer to namelist:NAME sections in the configuration file.
  • svn – The Subversion scheme. The location is a Subversion URL or an FCM location keyword. A URI with these schemes svn, svn+ssh and fcm are automatically recognised.
  • rsync – This scheme is useful for pulling a file or directory from a remote host using rsync via ssh. A URI should have the form HOST:PATH.

Rose will automatically attempt to detect the type of a source (i.e. file, directory, URL), however, the name of the source can sometimes be ambiguous. E.g. A URL with a http scheme can be a path in a version control system, or a path to a plain file. The schemes setting can be used to help the system to do the right thing. The syntax is as follows:


For example:




In the above example, a URI matching the pattern hpc*:* would use the rsync scheme to pull the source to the current host, and a URI matching the pattern http://host/svn-repos/* would use the svn scheme. For all other URIs, the system will try to make an intelligent guess.


The system will always match a URI in the order as specified by the setting to avoid ambiguity.


If the rsync scheme is used you can use the User setting in ~/.ssh/config to specify the user ID for logging into HOST if required.

Config [file:TARGET]
Config source= SOURCE(alternate: source=(SOURCE))

A space delimited list of sources for generating this file. A source can be the path to a regular file or directory in the file system (globbing is also supported - e.g. using "\*.conf" to mean all .conf files), or it may be a URI to a resource. If a source is a URI, it may point to a section with a supported scheme in the current configuration, e.g. a namelist:NAME section. Otherwise the URI must be in a supported scheme or be given sufficient information for the system to determine its scheme, e.g. via the *|schemes setting.


Normally, a source that does not exist would trigger an error in run time. However, it may be useful to have an optional source for a file sometimes. In which case, the syntax source=(SOURCE) can be used to specify an optional source. E.g. source=namelist:foo (namelist:bar) would allow namelist:bar to be missing or ignored without an error.

Config checksum

The expected MD5 checksum of the target. If specified, the file generation will fail if the actual checksum of the target does not match with this setting. This setting is only meaningful if TARGET is a regular file or a symbolic link to a regular file.


An empty value for checksum tells the system to report the target checksum in verbose mode.

Config mode


  • auto

    Automatically determine action based on the value of source.

    • source= - If source is undefined create an empty file.
    • source=path - If source is a single path to a file or directory then the path will be copied to the target path.
    • source=file1 file2 ... - If the source is a list of files then the files will be concatenated in the target path.
    • source=dir1 dir2 ... - If the source is a list of directories then the directories will be transferred to the target path using rsync.
  • mkdir – Creates an empty directory (source must be a single path).
  • symlink – Creates a symlink to the provided source, the source does not have to exist when the symlink is created ( source must be a single path).
  • symlink+ – Creates a symlink to the provided source, the source must exist when the symlink is created (source must be a single path).