Suicide Triggers

Suicide triggers allow us to remove a task from the suite’s graph whilst the suite is running.

The main use of suicide triggers is for handling failures in the workflow.

Stalled Suites

Imagine a bakery which has a workflow that involves making cake.

make_cake_mixture => bake_cake => sell_cake

digraph Mini_Cylc { bake_cake -> sell_cake sell_cake make_cake_mixture -> bake_cake }

There is a 50% chance that the cake will turn out fine, and a 50% chance that it will get burnt. In the case that we burn the cake the workflow gets stuck.

digraph Example { make_cake_mixture [style="filled" color="#ada5a5"] bake_cake [style="filled" color="#ff0000" fontcolor="white"] sell_cake [color="#88c6ff"] make_cake_mixture -> bake_cake -> sell_cake }

In this event the sell_cake task will be unable to run as it depends on bake_cake. We would say that this suite has stalled. When Cylc detects that a suite has stalled it sends you an email to let you know that the suite has got stuck and requires human intervention to proceed.

Handling Failures

In order to prevent the suite from entering a stalled state we need to handle the failure of the bake_cake task.

At the bakery if they burn a cake they eat it and make another.

The following diagram outlines this workflow with its two possible pathways, :succeed in the event that bake_cake is successful and :fail otherwise.

digraph Example { make_cake_mixture bake_cake subgraph cluster_1 { label = ":succeed" labelloc = "b" color = "green" fontcolor = "green" style = "dashed" sell_cake } subgraph cluster_2 { label = ":fail" labelloc = "b" color = "red" fontcolor = "red" style = "dashed" eat_cake } make_cake_mixture -> bake_cake bake_cake -> sell_cake bake_cake -> eat_cake }

We can add this logic to our workflow using the fail qualifier.

bake_cake => sell_cake
bake_cake:fail => eat_cake


If you don’t specify a qualifier Cylc assumes you mean :succeed so the following two lines are equivalent:

foo => bar
foo:succeed => bar

Why Do We Need To Remove Tasks From The Graph?

Create a new suite called suicide-triggers:

mkdir -p ~/cylc-run/suicide-triggers
cd ~/cylc-run/suicide-triggers

Paste the following code into the suite.rc file:

   cycling mode = integer
   initial cycle point = 1
           graph = """
               make_cake_mixture => bake_cake => sell_cake
               bake_cake:fail => eat_cake
        script = sleep 2
        # Random outcome 50% chance of success 50% chance of failure.
        script = sleep 2; if (( $RANDOM % 2 )); then true; else false; fi

Open the cylc gui and run the suite:

cylc gui suicide-triggers &
cylc run suicide-triggers

The suite will run for three cycles then get stuck. You should see something similar to the diagram below. As the bake_cake task fails randomly what you see might differ slightly. You may receive a “suite stalled” email.

digraph Example { size = "7,5" subgraph cluster_1 { label = "1" style = "dashed" "make_cake_mixture.1" [ label="make_cake_mixture\n1", style="filled", color="#ada5a5"] "bake_cake.1" [ label="bake_cake\n1", style="filled", color="#ada5a5"] "sell_cake.1" [ label="sell_cake\n1", style="filled", color="#ada5a5"] "eat_cake.1" [ label="eat_cake\1", color="#88c6ff"] } subgraph cluster_2 { label = "2" style = "dashed" "make_cake_mixture.2" [ label="make_cake_mixture\n2", style="filled", color="#ada5a5"] "bake_cake.2" [ label="bake_cake\n2", style="filled", color="#ff0000", fontcolor="white"] "sell_cake.2" [ label="sell_cake\2", color="#88c6ff"] "eat_cake.2" [ label="eat_cake\n2", color="#888888", fontcolor="#888888"] } subgraph cluster_3 { label = "3" style = "dashed" "make_cake_mixture.3" [ label="make_cake_mixture\n3", style="filled", color="#ada5a5"] "bake_cake.3" [ label="bake_cake\n3", style="filled", color="#ff0000", fontcolor="white"] "sell_cake.3" [ label="sell_cake\n3", color="#888888", fontcolor="#888888"] "eat_cake.3" [ label="eat_cake\3", color="#888888", fontcolor="#888888"] } "make_cake_mixture.1" -> "bake_cake.1" -> "sell_cake.1" "bake_cake.1" -> "eat_cake.1" "make_cake_mixture.2" -> "bake_cake.2" -> "sell_cake.2" "bake_cake.2" -> "eat_cake.2" "make_cake_mixture.3" -> "bake_cake.3" -> "sell_cake.3" "bake_cake.3" -> "eat_cake.3" }

The reason the suite stalls is that, by default, Cylc will run a maximum of three cycles concurrently. As each cycle has at least one task which hasn’t either succeeded or failed Cylc cannot move onto the next cycle.


For more information search max active cycle points in the Cylc User Guide.

You will also notice that some of the tasks (e.g. eat_cake in cycle 2 in the above example) are drawn in a faded gray. This is because these tasks have not yet been run in earlier cycles and as such cannot run.

Removing Tasks From The Graph

In order to get around these problems and prevent the suite from stalling we must remove the tasks that are no longer needed. We do this using suicide triggers.

A suicide trigger is written like a normal dependency but with an exclamation mark in-front of the task on the right-hand-side of the dependency meaning “remove the following task from the graph at the current cycle point.”

For example the following graph string would remove the task bar from the graph if the task foo were to succeed.

foo => ! bar

There are three cases where we would need to remove a task in the cake-making example:

  1. If the bake_cake task succeeds we don’t need the eat_cake task so should remove it.

    bake_cake => ! eat_cake
  2. If the bake_cake task fails we don’t need the sell_cake task so should remove it.

    bake_cake:fail => ! sell_cake
  3. If the bake_cake task fails then we will need to remove it else the suite will stall. We can do this after the eat_cake task has succeeded.

    eat_cake => ! bake_cake

Add the following three lines to the suite’s graph:

bake_cake => ! eat_cake
bake_cake:fail => ! sell_cake
eat_cake => ! bake_cake

We can view suicide triggers in cylc graph by un-selecting the Ignore Suicide Triggers button in the toolbar. Suicide triggers will then appear as dashed lines with circular endings. You should see something like this:

digraph Example { make_cake_mixture -> bake_cake bake_cake -> sell_cake [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] bake_cake -> eat_cake [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] eat_cake -> bake_cake [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] }

Downstream Dependencies

If we wanted to make the cycles run in order we might write an inter-cycle dependency like this:

sell_cake[-P1] => make_cake_mixture

In order to handle the event that the sell_cake task has been removed from the graph by a suicide trigger we can write our dependency with an or symbol | like so:

eat_cake[-P1] | sell_cake[-P1] => make_cake_mixture

Now the make_cake_mixture task from the next cycle will run after whichever of the sell_cake or eat_cake tasks is run.

digraph Example { subgraph cluster_1 { style="dashed" label="1" "make_cake_mixture.1" [label="make_cake_mixture\n1"] "bake_cake.1" [label="bake_cake\n1"] "make_cake_mixture.1" -> "bake_cake.1" "bake_cake.1" -> "sell_cake.1" [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] "bake_cake.1" -> "eat_cake.1" [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] "eat_cake.1" -> "bake_cake.1" [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] subgraph cluster_a { label = ":fail" fontcolor = "red" color = "red" style = "dashed" "eat_cake.1" [label="eat_cake\n1" color="red" fontcolor="red"] } subgraph cluster_b { label = ":success" fontcolor = "green" color = "green" style = "dashed" "sell_cake.1" [label="sell_cake\n1" color="green" fontcolor="green"] } } subgraph cluster_2 { style="dashed" label="2" "make_cake_mixture.2" [label="make_cake_mixture\n2"] "bake_cake.2" [label="bake_cake\n2"] "make_cake_mixture.2" -> "bake_cake.2" "bake_cake.2" -> "sell_cake.2" [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] "bake_cake.2" -> "eat_cake.2" [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] "eat_cake.2" -> "bake_cake.2" [style="dashed" arrowhead="dot"] subgraph cluster_c { label = ":fail" fontcolor = "red" color = "red" style = "dashed" "eat_cake.2" [label="eat_cake\n2" color="red" fontcolor="red"] } subgraph cluster_d { label = ":success" fontcolor = "green" color = "green" style = "dashed" "sell_cake.2" [label="sell_cake\n2" color="green" fontcolor="green"] } } "eat_cake.1" -> "make_cake_mixture.2" [arrowhead="onormal"] "sell_cake.1" -> "make_cake_mixture.2" [arrowhead="onormal"] }

Add the following graph string to your suite.

eat_cake[-P1] | sell_cake[-P1] => make_cake_mixture

Open the cylc gui and run the suite. You should see that if the bake_cake task fails both it and the sell_cake task disappear and are replaced by the eat_cake task.

Comparing “Regular” and “Suicide” Triggers

In Cylc “regular” and “suicide” triggers both work in the same way. For example the following graph lines implicitly combine using an & operator:

foo => pub
bar => pub
foo & bar => pub

Suicide triggers combine in the same way:

foo => !pub
bar => !pub
foo & bar => !pub

This means that suicide triggers are treated as “invisible tasks” rather than as “events”. Suicide triggers can have pre-requisites just like a normal task.


The following sections outline examples of how to use suicide triggers.

Recovery Task

A common use case where a recover task is used to handle a task failure.

digraph Example { subgraph cluster_1 { label = ":fail" color = "red" fontcolor = "red" style = "dashed" recover } foo -> bar bar -> recover recover -> baz [arrowhead="onormal"] bar -> baz [arrowhead="onormal"] }

        graph = """
            # Regular graph.
            foo => bar

            # The fail case.
            bar:fail => recover

            # Remove the "recover" task in the success case.
            bar => ! recover

            # Remove the "bar" task in the fail case.
            recover => ! bar

            # Downstream dependencies.
            bar | recover => baz
        script = sleep 1
        script = false

Branched Workflow

A workflow where sub-graphs of tasks are to be run in the success and or fail cases.

digraph Example { foo -> bar bar -> tar -> par bar -> jar -> par bar -> baz -> jaz subgraph cluster_1 { label = ":success" fontcolor = "green" color = "green" style = "dashed" tar jar par } subgraph cluster_2 { label = ":fail" fontcolor = "red" color = "red" style = "dashed" baz jaz } tar -> pub [arrowhead="onormal"] jaz -> pub [arrowhead="onormal"] }

        graph = """
            # Regular graph.
            foo => bar

            # Success case.
            bar => tar & jar

            # Fail case.
            bar:fail => baz => jaz

            # Remove tasks from the fail branch in the success case.
            bar => ! baz & ! jaz

            # Remove tasks from the success branch in the fail case.
            bar:fail => ! tar & ! jar & ! par

            # Remove the bar task in the fail case.
            baz => ! bar

            # Downstream dependencies.
            tar | jaz => pub
        script = sleep 1
        script = true

Triggering Based On Other States

In these examples we have been using suicide triggers to handle task failure. The suicide trigger mechanism works with other qualifiers as well for example:

foo:start => ! bar

Suicide triggers can also be used with custom outputs. In the following example the task showdown produces one of three possible custom outputs, good, bad or ugly.

digraph Example { subgraph cluster_1 { label = ":good" color = "green" fontcolor = "green" style = "dashed" good } subgraph cluster_2 { label = ":bad" color = "red" fontcolor = "red" style = "dashed" bad } subgraph cluster_3 { label = ":ugly" color = "purple" fontcolor = "purple" style = "dashed" ugly } showdown -> good showdown -> bad showdown -> ugly good -> fin [arrowhead="onormal"] bad -> fin [arrowhead="onormal"] ugly -> fin [arrowhead="onormal"] }

         graph = """
             # The "regular" dependencies
             showdown:good => good
             showdown:bad => bad
             showdown:ugly => ugly
             good | bad | ugly => fin

             # The "suicide" dependencies for each case
             showdown:good | showdown:bad => ! ugly
             showdown:bad | showdown:ugly => ! good
             showdown:ugly | showdown:good => ! bad
        script = sleep 1
        # Randomly return one of the three custom outputs.
        script = """
            if ! (( $SEED % 3 )); then
                cylc message 'The-Good'
            elif ! (( ( $SEED + 1 ) % 3 )); then
                cylc message 'The-Bad'
                cylc message 'The-Ugly'
            # Register the three custom outputs with cylc.
            good = 'The-Good'
            bad = 'The-Bad'
            ugly = 'The-Ugly'

Self-Suiciding Task

An example of a workflow where there are no tasks which are dependent on the task to suicide trigger.

digraph Example { subgraph cluster_1 { label = "Faulty\nTask" color = "orange" fontcolor = "orange" style = "dashed" labelloc = "b" pub } foo -> bar -> baz bar -> pub }

It is possible for a task to suicide trigger itself e.g:

foo:fail => ! foo


This is usually not recommended but in the case where there are no tasks dependent on the one to remove it is an acceptable approach.

        graph = """
            foo => bar => baz
            bar => pub

            # Remove the "pub" task in the event of failure.
            pub:fail => ! pub
        script = sleep 1
        script = false