
We have seen in the runtime tutorial how tasks can be grouped into families.

In this tutorial we will look at nested families, inheritance order and multiple inheritance.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Create a new suite by running the command:

rose tutorial inheritance-tutorial
cd ~/cylc-run/inheritance-tutorial

You will now have a suite.rc file that defines two tasks each representing a different aircraft, the Airbus A380 jumbo jet and the Robson R44 helicopter:

A380 R44
        graph = a380 & r44

        init-script = echo 'Boarding'
        pre-script = echo 'Departing'
        post-script = echo 'Arriving'

        inherit = VEHICLE
            description = A vehicle which can fly.
        inherit = AIR_VEHICLE
            description = An air vehicle with fixed wings.
            CAN_TAKE_OFF_VERTICALLY = false
        inherit = AIR_VEHICLE
            description = An air vehicle with rotors.
            CAN_TAKE_OFF_VERTICALLY = true

        inherit = AIRPLANE
            title = Airbus A380 Jumbo-Jet.
        inherit = HELICOPTER
            title = Robson R44 Helicopter.


The [meta] section is a freeform section where we can define metadata to be associated with a task, family or the suite itself.

This metadata should not be mistaken with Rose Configuration Metadata.


By convention we write family names in upper case (with the exception of the special root family) and task names in lower case.

These two tasks sit at the bottom of an inheritance tree. The cylc graph command has an option (-n) for drawing such inheritance hierarchies:

cylc graph -n . &

Running this command will generate the following output:

digraph Example { AIRPLANE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; a380 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; AIRPLANE -> a380 [color=royalblue]; HELICOPTER [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; r44 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; HELICOPTER -> r44 [color=royalblue]; root [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; root -> VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE -> AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> AIRPLANE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> HELICOPTER [color=royalblue]; }


The root family sits at the top of the inheritance tree as all tasks/families automatically inherit it:

Cylc handles inheritance by starting with the root family and working down the inheritance tree applying each section in turn.

To see the resulting configuration for the a380 task use the cylc get-config command:

cylc get-config . --sparse -i "[runtime][a380]"

You should see some settings which have been inherited from the VEHICLE and AIRPLANE families as well as a couple defined in the a380 task.

init-script = echo 'Boarding'                       # Inherited from VEHICLE
pre-script = echo 'Departing'                       # Inherited from VEHICLE
post-script = echo 'Arriving'                       # Inherited from VEHICLE
inherit = AIRPLANE                                  # Defined in a380
    description = An air vehicle with fixed wings.  # Inherited from AIR_VEHICLE - overwritten by AIRPLANE
    title = Airbus A380 Jumbo-Jet.                  # Defined in a380
    CAN_TAKE_OFF_VERTICALLY = false                 # Inherited from AIRPLANE

Note that the description setting is defined in the AIR_VEHICLE family but is overwritten by the value specified in the AIRPLANE family.

Multiple Inheritance

Next we want to add a vehicle called the V-22 Osprey to the suite. The V-22 is a cross between a plane and a helicopter - it has wings but can take-off and land vertically.

As the V-22 can be thought of as both a plane and a helicopter we want it to inherit from both the AIRPLANE and HELICOPTER families. In Cylc we can inherit from multiple families by separating their names with commas:

Add the following task to your suite.rc file.

        title = V-22 Osprey Military Aircraft.

Refresh your cylc graph window or re-run the cylc graph command.

The inheritance hierarchy should now look like this:

digraph Example { AIRPLANE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; v22 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; AIRPLANE -> v22 [color=royalblue]; a380 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; AIRPLANE -> a380 [color=royalblue]; HELICOPTER [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; HELICOPTER -> v22 [color=royalblue]; r44 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; HELICOPTER -> r44 [color=royalblue]; root [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; root -> VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE -> AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> AIRPLANE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> HELICOPTER [color=royalblue]; }

Inspect the configuration of the v22 task using the cylc get-config command.


cylc get-config . --sparse -i "[runtime][v22]"

You should see that the CAN_TASK_OFF_VERTICALLY environment variable has been set to false which isn’t right. This is because of the order in which inheritance is applied.

Cylc handles multiple-inheritance by applying each family from right to left. For the v22 task we specified inherit = AIRPLANE, HELICOPTER so the HELICOPTER family will be applied first and the AIRPLANE family after.

The inheritance order would be as follows:


We could fix this problem by changing the order of inheritance:


Now the HELICOPTER family is applied second so its values will override any in the AIRPLANE family.


Inspect the configuration of the v22 task using cylc get-config to confirm this.

More Inheritance

We will now add some more families and tasks to the suite.

Engine Type

Next we will define four families to represent three different types of engine.

digraph Example { size = "5,5" ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] TURBINE_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] HUMAN_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] "ENGINE" -> "TURBINE_ENGINE" "ENGINE" -> "INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE" "ENGINE" -> "HUMAN_ENGINE" }

Each engine type should set an environment variable called FUEL which we will assign to the following values:

  • Turbine - kerosene
  • Internal Combustion - petrol
  • Human - pizza

Add lines to the runtime section to represent these four families.


    inherit = ENGINE
        FUEL = kerosene
    inherit = ENGINE
        FUEL = petrol
    inherit = ENGINE
        FUEL = pizza

We now need to make the three aircraft inherit from one of the three engines. The aircraft use the following types of engine:

  • A380 - turbine
  • R44 - internal combustion
  • V22 - turbine

Modify the three tasks so that they inherit from the relevant engine families.


        title = Airbus A380 Jumbo-Jet.
        title = Robson R44 Helicopter.
        title = V-22 Ofsprey Military Aircraft.

Penny Farthing

Next we want to add a new type of vehicle, an old-fashioned bicycle called a penny farthing.

Penny Farthing Bicycle

To do this we will need to add two new families, LAND_VEICHLE and BICYCLE as well as a new task, penny_farthing related in the following manner:

digraph Example { VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] LAND_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] BICYCLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] HUMAN_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] penny_farthing [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] VEHICLE -> LAND_VEHICLE -> BICYCLE -> penny_farthing HUMAN_ENGINE -> penny_farthing }

Add lines to the runtime section to represent the two new families and one task outlined above.

Add a description ([meta]description) to the LAND_VEHICLE and BICYCLE families and a title ([meta]title) to the penny_farthing task.


    inherit = VEHICLE
        description = A vehicle which can travel over the ground.

    inherit = LAND_VEHICLE
        description = A small two-wheeled vehicle.

        title = An old-fashioned bicycle.

Using cylc get-config to inspect the configuration of the penny_farthing task we can see that it inherits settings from the VEHICLE, BICYCLE and HUMAN_ENGINE families.

init-script = echo 'Boarding'  # Inherited from VEHICLE
pre-script = echo 'Departing'  # Inherited from VEHICLE
post-script = echo 'Arriving'  # Inherited from VEHICLE
    FUEL = pizza               # Inherited from HUMAN_ENGINE
    description = A small two-wheeled vehicle.  # Inherited from LAND_VEHICLE - overwritten by BICYCLE
    title = An old-fashioned bicycle.           # Defined in penny_farthing


cylc get-config . --sparse -i "[runtime]penny_farthing"


We will now add a hovercraft called the Hoverwork BHT130, better known to some as the Isle Of Wight Ferry.

Hoverwork BHT130 Hovercraft

Hovercraft can move over both land and water and in some respects can be thought of as flying vehicles.

digraph Example { size = "7,5" VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] LAND_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] WATER_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] HOVERCRAFT [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] bht130 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled] INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"] VEHICLE -> AIR_VEHICLE -> HOVERCRAFT VEHICLE -> LAND_VEHICLE -> HOVERCRAFT VEHICLE -> WATER_VEHICLE -> HOVERCRAFT HOVERCRAFT -> bht130 ENGINE -> INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE -> bht130 }

Write new families and one new task to represent the above structure.

Add a description ([meta]description) to the WATER_VEHICLE and HOVERCRAFT families and a title ([meta]title) to the bht130 task.


    inherit = VEHICLE
        description = A vehicle which can travel over water.

        description = A vehicle which can travel over ground, water and ice.

        title = Griffon Hoverwork BHT130 (Isle Of Whight Ferry).

Finished Suite

You should now have a suite with an inheritance hierarchy which looks like this:

digraph Example { size = "7, 5" root [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; root -> ENGINE [color=royalblue]; VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; root -> VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"]; ENGINE -> INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE [color=royalblue]; TURBINE_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"]; ENGINE -> TURBINE_ENGINE [color=royalblue]; HUMAN_ENGINE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"]; ENGINE -> HUMAN_ENGINE [color=royalblue]; LAND_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE -> LAND_VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; WATER_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE -> WATER_VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; VEHICLE -> AIR_VEHICLE [color=royalblue]; r44 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE -> r44 [color=royalblue]; bht130 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; INTERNAL_COMBUSTION_ENGINE -> bht130 [color=royalblue]; v22 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; TURBINE_ENGINE -> v22 [color=royalblue]; a380 [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; TURBINE_ENGINE -> a380 [color=royalblue]; penny_farthing [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled, margin="0.3,0.055"]; HUMAN_ENGINE -> penny_farthing [color=royalblue]; AIRPLANE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; AIRPLANE -> v22 [color=royalblue]; AIRPLANE -> a380 [color=royalblue]; HELICOPTER [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; HELICOPTER -> v22 [color=royalblue]; HELICOPTER -> r44 [color=royalblue]; HOVERCRAFT [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; HOVERCRAFT -> bht130 [color=royalblue]; LAND_VEHICLE -> HOVERCRAFT [color=royalblue]; BICYCLE [color=royalblue, fillcolor=powderblue, shape=box, style=filled]; LAND_VEHICLE -> BICYCLE [color=royalblue]; WATER_VEHICLE -> HOVERCRAFT [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> AIRPLANE [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> HELICOPTER [color=royalblue]; AIR_VEHICLE -> HOVERCRAFT [color=royalblue]; BICYCLE -> penny_farthing [color=royalblue]; }