
Retries allow us to automatically re-submit tasks which have failed due to failure in submission or execution.


Retries can be useful for tasks that may occasionally fail due to external events, and are routinely fixable when they do - an example would be a task that is dependent on a system that experiences temporary outages.

If a task fails, the Cylc retry mechanism can resubmit it after a pre-determined delay. An environment variable, $CYLC_TASK_TRY_NUMBER is incremented and passed into the task - this means you can write your task script so that it changes behaviour accordingly.


Two dice both showing the number six

Create a new suite by running the following commands:

rose tutorial retries-tutorial
cd retries-tutorial

You will now have a suite with a roll_doubles task which simulates trying to roll doubles using two dice:

    UTC mode = True # Ignore DST

        graph = start => roll_doubles => win

        script = """
sleep 10
DIE_1=$((RANDOM%6 + 1))
DIE_2=$((RANDOM%6 + 1))
echo "Rolled $DIE_1 and $DIE_2..."
if (($DIE_1 == $DIE_2)); then
   echo "doubles!"
   exit 1

Running Without Retries

Let’s see what happens when we run the suite as it is. Open the cylc gui:

cylc gui retries-tutorial &

Then run the suite:

cylc run retries-tutorial

Unless you’re lucky, the suite should fail at the roll_doubles task.

Stop the suite:

cylc stop retries-tutorial

Configuring Retries

We need to tell Cylc to retry it a few times - replace the line [[roll_doubles]] in the suite.rc file with:

        execution retry delays = 5*PT6S

This means that if the roll_doubles task fails, Cylc expects to retry running it 5 times before finally failing. Each retry will have a delay of 6 seconds.

We can apply multiple retry periods with the execution retry delays setting by separating them with commas, for example the following line would tell Cylc to retry a task four times, once after 15 seconds, then once after 10 minutes, then once after one hour then once after three hours.

execution retry delays = PT15S, PT10M, PT1H, PT3H

Running With Retries

If you closed it, re-open the cylc gui:

cylc gui retries-tutorial &

Re-run the suite:

cylc run retries-tutorial

What you should see is Cylc retrying the roll_doubles task. Hopefully, it will succeed (there is only about a about a 1 in 3 chance of every task failing) and the suite will continue.

Altering Behaviour

We can alter the behaviour of the task based on the number of retries, using $CYLC_TASK_TRY_NUMBER.

Change the script setting for the roll_doubles task to this:

sleep 10
DIE_1=$((RANDOM%6 + 1))
DIE_2=$((RANDOM%6 + 1))
echo "Rolled $DIE_1 and $DIE_2..."
if (($DIE_1 == $DIE_2)); then
    echo "doubles!"
elif (($CYLC_TASK_TRY_NUMBER >= 2)); then
    echo "look over there! ..."
    echo "doubles!"  # Cheat!
    exit 1

If your suite is still running, stop it, then run it again.

This time, the task should definitely succeed before the third retry.

Further Reading

For more information see the Cylc User Guide.