
This built-in application provides a generic solution to configure site-specific archiving of suite files for use with rose task-run.


rose_arch is designed to work with suite files so runs under rose task-run. It cannot run under rose app-run.

The application is normally configured in a rose-app.conf. Global settings may be specified in an rose_arch[arch] section. Each archiving target will have its own [arch:TARGET] section for specific settings, where TARGET would be a URI to the archiving location on your site-specific archiving system. Settings in a [arch:TARGET] section would override those in the global rose_arch[arch] section for the given TARGET.

A target is considered compulsory, i.e. it must have at least one source, unless it is specified with the syntax [arch:(TARGET)]. In which case, TARGET is considered optional. The application will skip an optional target that has no actual source.

The application provides some useful functionalities:

  • Incremental mode: store the archive target settings, checksums of source files and the return code of archive command. In a retry, it would only redo targets that did not succeed in the previous attempts.

  • Rename source files.

  • Tar-Gzip or Gzip source files before sending them to the archive.


In automatic selection mode, this built-in application will be invoked automatically if a task has a name that starts with rose_arch*.

This means that you can use Rose Arch with something like the example below in your flow.cylc:

   # ...
       P1 = """
       all => the => tasks => rose_arch_archive

   # ...



The following examples all form part of a single rose-app.conf file:

General Settings

These settings are placed here to be inherited by other archive tasks in the file: In this case we’ve set command format which sets how we are going to copy the files to the archive location. We’ve also set prefixes for the source and target locations, so that we don’t have repeatedly specify common locations.

# General settings
command-format=foo put %(sources)s %(target)s

Archive a file to a file

In this simplest use case rose arch is just moving a single file to another location.

# Archive a file to a file

Archiving directories

You can archive files matched by one or more glob expressions to a directory:

# A single glob

# Three globs
source=hello/worlds/* greeting/worlds/* hi/worlds/*

Missing files and directories

It’s also possibly to deal with a situation where one or more of the source expressions might not return anything by putting brackets - () - around it:

# If there isn't anything in greeting/worlds/ Rose Arch continues
source=hello/worlds/* (greeting/worlds/*) hi/worlds/*

You can even tell Rose Arch that there may be nothing to archive, but to carry on:

source=cats.txt dogs.txt

Zipping files

There are multiple ways of specifying that you want your archive to be compressed:

You can infer compression from the target extension:


or manually specify a compression program. (In this case the out.gz is not recognized by rose arch as an extension to be compressed.)


For more details see rose_arch[arch]compress

Zipping directories

You can tar and zip entire directories - as with single files Rose Arch will attempt to infer archive and compression from [arch:TARGET.extension] if it can:

# File with multiple galaxies may be large, don't do its checksum

You might prefer to explicitly gzip each file in the source directory separately:

# Force gzip each source file

Renaming files simply

You may wish to change the name of the archived files. By default the contents of your app’a rose_arch[arch]source and $CYLC_TASK_CYCLE_TIME are available to you as python formatting strings %(name)s and %(cycle)s.



As %(name)s can be a path is may not always make sense to prepend %(cycle)s to it - consider 01_/absolute/path/to/datafile

Renaming using a rename-parser

See rose_arch[arch]rename-parser.

This allows you to parse the the name you give in rose_arch[arch]source using regular expressions for use in rename-format.

This is handy if you set a path to rose_arch[arch]source but want the target to just be a name - imagine a case where you wanted to collect a group of files with names in the form data_001.txt:



On completion, rose_arch writes a status summary for each target to the standard output, which looks like this:

0 foo:///fred/my-su173/output0.tar.gz [compress=tar.gz]
+ foo:///fred/my-su173/output1.tar.gz [compress=tar.gz, t(init)=2012-12-02T20:02:20Z, dt(tran)=5s, dt(arch)=10s, ret-code=0]
+       output1/earth.txt (output1/human.txt)
+       output1/venus.txt (output1/woman.txt)
+       output1/mars.txt (output1/man.txt)
= foo:///fred/my-su173/output2.tar.gz [compress=tar.gz]
! foo:///fred/my-su173/output3.tar.gz [compress=tar.gz]

The first column is a status symbol, where:


An optional target has no real source, and is skipped.


A target is added or updated.


A target is not updated, as it was previously successfully updated with the same sources.


Error updating this target.

If the first column and the second column are separated by a space character, the second column is a target. If the first column and the second column are separated by a tab character, the second column is a source in the target above.

For a target line, the third column contains the compress scheme, the initial time, the duration taken to transform the sources, the duration taken to run the archive command and the return code of the archive command. For a source line, the third column contains the original name of the source.


Rose App rose_arch
Config [arch](alternate: arch:TARGET)
Config command-format= FORMAT


A Pythonic printf-style format string to construct the archive command. It must contain the placeholders %(sources)s and %(target)s for substitution of the sources and the target respectively.

Config compress= pax|tar|pax.gz|tar.gz|tgz|gz

If specified, compress source files scheme before sending them to the archive. If not set Rose Arch will attempt to set a compression scheme if the file extension of the target implies compression: For example, setting target as [arch:example.tar] is the same as setting compress=tar.

Each compression scheme works slightly differently:

Compression Scheme


pax or tar

Sources will be placed in a TAR archive before being sent to the target.

pax.gz, tar.gz or tgz

Sources will be placed in a TAR-GZIP file before being sent to the target.


Each source file will be compressed by GZIP before being sent to the target.

Config rename-format

If specified, the source files will be renamed according to the specified format. The format string should be a Pythonic printf-style format string.

By default the following variables are available:

You may also use rename-parser to generate further fields from the input name.


As %(name)s can be a path, so that if rename-format="%(cycle)s_%(name)s" you can have destination paths such 02_path/to/some.file, which are unlikely to work. If you want to manipulate your source name in such cases should use rename-parser.

Config rename-parser

Ignored if rename-format is not specified.

Specify a regular expression to parse the name provided by source, using the Python regex syntax (?P<label>what you want to capture)

For example, a regular expression in the form:


Will label the captured section using with the contents of <>. In this example you would then have %(filename)s and %(serialnumber) to use in your rename-format string.

Config source= NAME


Specify a list of source file names and/or globs for matching source file names. List items are separated by spaces.

  • File names with space or quote characters can be escaped using quotes or backslashes, like in a shell.)

  • Paths, if not absolute (beginning with a /), are assumed to be relative to ROSE_SUITE_DIR or to $ROSE_SUITE_DIR/PREFIX if source-prefix is specified.

  • If a name or glob is given in a pair of brackets, e.g.``(hello-world.*)``, the source is considered optional and will not cause a failure if it does not match any source file names.


If a target does not have () around it then is it compulsory and if no matching source is found then the archiving of that file will be considered a failure.

Config source-edit-format= FORMAT

Construct a command to edit or modify the content of source files before archiving them. It uses a Pythonic printf-style format string to describe inputs and outputs.

It must contain the placeholders %(in)s and %(out)s for substitution of the path to the source file and the path to the modified source file (which will be created in a temporary working directory).

For example you might wish to replace the word “Hello” with “Greet” using sed:

source-edit-format=sed 's/Hello/Greet/g' %(in)s >%(out)s
Config source-prefix= PREFIX

Add a prefix to each value in a source declaration. A trailing slash should be added for a directory. Paths are assumed to be relative to ROSE_SUITE_DIR. This setting serves two purposes:

  • It provides a way to avoid typing the name of the source directory repeatedly.

  • If you are using rename-format or if the target is a compressed file your target’s %(name)s will be the entirety of what you set in source, so you may wish to avoid this being a full path.

Config target-prefix= PREFIX

Add a prefix to each target declaration. This setting provides a way to avoid typing the same thing repeatedly. A trailing slash (or whatever is relevant for the archiving system) should be added for a directory.

Config update-check= mtime+size|md5|sha1|...

Specify the method for checking whether a source has changed since the previous run. If the value is mtime+size, the application will use the modified time and size of the source, which is useful for large files, but is less correct. Otherwise, the value, if specified, should be the name of a hash object in Python’s hashlib, such as md5 (default), sha1, etc. In this mode, the application will use the checksum (based on the specified hashing method) of the content of each source file to determine if it has changed or not.