
In this section we will cover writing basic workflows in cylc.

The suite.rc File Format

We refer to a Cylc workflow as a Cylc suite. A Cylc suite is a directory containing a suite.rc file. This configuration file is where we define our workflow. The suite.rc file uses a nested INI-based format:

  • Comments start with a # character.
  • Settings are written as key = value pairs.
  • Settings can be contained within sections.
  • Sections are written inside square brackets i.e. [section-name].
  • Sections can be nested, by adding an extra square bracket with each level, so a sub-section would be written [[sub-section]], a sub-sub-section [[[sub-sub-section]]], and so on.
# Comment
    key = value
        another-key = another-value  # Inline comment
        yet-another-key = """

Throughout this tutorial we will refer to settings in the following format:

  • [section] - refers to the entire section.
  • [section]key - refers to a setting within the section.
  • [section]key=value - expresses the value of the setting.
  • [section][sub-section]another-key. Note we only use one set of square brackets with nested sections.


It is advisable to indent suite.rc files. This indentation, however, is ignored when the file is parsed so settings must appear before sub-sections.

    key = value  # This setting belongs to the section.
        key = value  # This setting belongs to the sub-section.

    # This setting belongs to the sub-section as indentation is ignored.
    # Always write settings before defining any sub-sections!
    key = value


In the suite.rc file format duplicate sections are additive, that is to say the following two examples are equivalent:

   c = C
   d = D
   e = E
   c = C
   e = E
   d = D

Settings, however, are not additive meaning that a duplicate setting will override an earlier value. The following two examples are also equivalent:

a = foo
a = bar
a = bar

Graph Strings

In Cylc we consider workflows in terms of tasks and dependencies.

Task are represented as words and dependencies as arrows (=>), so the following text defines two tasks where make_dough is dependent on purchase_ingredients:

purchase_ingredients => make_dough

digraph Mini_Cylc { make_dough purchase_ingredients -> make_dough }

In a Cylc workflow this would mean that make_dough would only run when purchase_ingredients has succeeded. These dependencies can be chained together:

purchase_ingredients => make_dough => bake_bread => sell_bread

digraph Mini_Cylc { purchase_ingredients -> make_dough bake_bread -> sell_bread make_dough -> bake_bread sell_bread }

This line of text is referred to as a graph string. These graph strings can be combined to form more complex workflows:

purchase_ingredients => make_dough => bake_bread => sell_bread
pre_heat_oven => bake_bread
bake_bread => clean_oven

digraph Mini_Cylc { pre_heat_oven -> bake_bread bake_bread -> clean_oven bake_bread -> sell_bread clean_oven purchase_ingredients -> make_dough make_dough -> bake_bread sell_bread bake_bread }

Graph strings can also contain “and” (&) and “or” (|) operators, for instance the following lines are equivalent to the ones just above:

purchase_ingredients => make_dough
pre_heat_oven & make_dough => bake_bread => sell_bread & clean_oven

Collectively these graph strings are referred to as a graph.


The order in which lines appear in the graph section doesn’t matter, for instance the following examples are the same as each other:

foo => bar
bar => baz
bar => baz
foo => bar

Cylc Graphs

In a Cylc suite the graph is stored under the [scheduling][dependencies]graph setting, i.e:

        graph = """
            purchase_ingredients => make_dough
            pre_heat_oven & make_dough => bake_bread => sell_bread & clean_oven

This is a minimal Cylc suite, in which we have defined a graph representing a workflow for Cylc to run. We have not yet provided Cylc with the scripts or binaries to run for each task. This will be covered later in the runtime tutorial.

Cylc provides a GUI for visualising graphs. It is run on the command line using the cylc graph <path> command where the path path is to the suite.rc file you wish to visualise.

When run, cylc graph will display a diagram similar to the ones you have seen so far. The number 1 which appears below each task is the cycle point. We will explain what this means in the next section.



A graph can be drawn in multiple ways, for instance the following two examples are equivalent:


The graph drawn by cylc graph may vary slightly from one run to another but the tasks and dependencies will always be the same.


In this practical we will create a new Cylc suite and write a graph for it to use.

  1. Create a Cylc suite.

    A Cylc suite is just a directory containing a suite.rc file.

    If you don’t have one already, create a cylc-run directory in your user space i.e:


    Within this directory create a new folder called graph-introduction, which is to be our suite directory. Move into it:

    mkdir ~/cylc-run/graph-introduction
    cd ~/cylc-run/graph-introduction

    Inside this directory create a suite.rc file and paste in the following text:

            graph = """
                # Write graph strings here!
  2. Write a graph.

    We now have a blank Cylc suite, next we need to define a workflow.

    Edit your suite.rc file to add graph strings representing the following graph:

    digraph graph_tutorial { foo -> bar -> baz -> qux pub -> bar -> wop }

  3. Use cylc graph to visualise the workflow.

    Once you have written some graph strings try using cylc graph to display the workflow. Run the following command:

    cylc graph .


    cylc graph takes the path to the suite as an argument. As we are inside the suite directory we can run cylc graph ..

    If the results don’t match the diagram above try going back to the suite.rc file and making changes.


    In the top right-hand corner of the cylc graph window there is a refresh button which will reload the GUI with any changes you have made.



    There are multiple correct ways to write this graph. So long as what you see in cylc graph matches the above diagram then you have a correct solution.

    Two valid examples:

    foo & pub => bar => baz & wop
    baz => qux
    foo => bar => baz => qux
    pub => bar => wop

    The whole suite should look something like this:

            graph = """
                foo & pub => bar => baz & wop
                baz => qux