Source code for metomi.rose.upgrade

# Copyright (C) British Crown (Met Office) & Contributors.
# This file is part of Rose, a framework for meteorological suites.
# Rose is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rose is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Rose. If not, see <>.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Module that contains upgrade macro functionality."""

from functools import cmp_to_key
import inspect
import os
import sys

import metomi.rose.config
import metomi.rose.macro
import metomi.rose.macros.trigger
import metomi.rose.reporter

ERROR_NO_VALID_VERSIONS = "No versions available."
ERROR_UPGRADE_VERSION = "{0}: invalid version."
INFO_DOWNGRADED = "Downgraded from {0} to {1}"
INFO_UPGRADED = "Upgraded from {0} to {1}"
MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_ADD = "rose-macro-add.conf"
MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_REMOVE = "rose-macro-remove.conf"
NAME_DOWNGRADE = "Downgrade_{0}-{1}"
NAME_UPGRADE = "Upgrade_{0}-{1}"
SAME_UPGRADE_VERSION = "{0}: already at this version."

DOWNGRADE_METHOD = "downgrade"
UPGRADE_METHOD = "upgrade"

    metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_NORMAL: "enabled",
    metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_USER_IGNORED: "user-ignored",
    metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_SYST_IGNORED: "trig-ignored",

class UpgradeVersionError(NameError):

    """Raise this error when an incorrect upgrade version is selected."""

    def __str__(self):
        return ERROR_UPGRADE_VERSION.format(self.args[0])

class UpgradeVersionSame(NameError):

    """Raise this error when an incorrect upgrade version is selected."""

    def __str__(self):
        return SAME_UPGRADE_VERSION.format(self.args[0])

[docs] class MacroUpgrade(metomi.rose.macro.MacroBase): """Class derived from MacroBase to aid upgrade functionality.""" BEFORE_TAG = "Before" ERROR_RENAME_OPT_TO_SECT = "Error: cannot rename {0}={1} to {2}" ERROR_RENAME_SECT_TO_OPT = "Error: cannot rename {0} to {1}={2}" INFO_ADDED_SECT = "Added" INFO_ADDED_VAR = "Added with value {0}" INFO_CHANGED_VAR = "Value: {0} -> {1}" INFO_STATE = "{0} -> {1}" INFO_REMOVED = "Removed" INFO_RENAMED_SECT = "Renamed {0} -> {1}" INFO_RENAMED_VAR = "Renamed {0}={1} -> {2}={3}" WARNING_ADD_CLASH = "Warning: cannot add {0}: clash with {1}" UPGRADE_RESOURCE_DIR = MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_DIR
[docs] def act_from_files(self, config, downgrade=False): """Parse a change configuration into actions. Searches for: * ``etc/VERSION/rose-macro-add.conf`` (settings to be added) * ``etc/VERSION/rose-macro-remove.conf`` (settings to be removed) Where ``VERSION`` is equal to ``self.BEFORE_TAG``. If settings are defined in either file, and changes can be made, the ``self.reports`` will be updated automatically. Note that ``act_from_files`` can be used in combination with other methods as part of the same upgrade. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. downgrade (bool): True if downgrading. Returns: None """ res_map = self._get_config_resources() add_config = res_map.get(MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_ADD) rem_config = res_map.get(MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_REMOVE) if add_config is None: add_config = metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode() if rem_config is None: rem_config = metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode() if downgrade: add_config, rem_config = rem_config, add_config for keys, node in add_config.walk(): section = keys[0] option = None value = None if len(keys) > 1: option = keys[1] value = node.value self.add_setting( config, [section, option], value=value, state=node.state, comments=node.comments, ) for keys, node in rem_config.walk(): section = keys[0] option = None if len(keys) > 1: option = keys[1] elif node.value: continue self.remove_setting(config, [section, option])
def _get_config_resources(self): """Get macro configuration resources.""" macro_file = inspect.getfile(self.__class__) this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(macro_file)) res_dir = os.path.join( this_dir, self.UPGRADE_RESOURCE_DIR, self.BEFORE_TAG ) add_path = os.path.join(res_dir, MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_ADD) rem_path = os.path.join(res_dir, MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_REMOVE) file_map = {} file_map[MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_ADD] = add_path file_map[MACRO_UPGRADE_RESOURCE_FILE_REMOVE] = rem_path for key, path in file_map.items(): if os.path.isfile(path): file_map[key] = metomi.rose.config.load(path) else: file_map.pop(key) return file_map
[docs] def add_setting( self, config, keys, value=None, forced=False, state=None, comments=None, info=None, ): """Add a setting to the configuration. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. value (str): String denoting the new setting value. Required for options but not for settings. forced (bool) If True override value if the setting already exists. state (str): The state of the new setting - should be one of the :py:class:`metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode` states e.g. :py:data:`metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_USER_IGNORED`. Defaults to :py:data:`metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_NORMAL`. comments (list): List of comment lines (strings) for the new setting or ``None``. info (str): A short string containing no new lines, describing the addition of the setting. Returns: None """ section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) id_ = self._get_id_from_section_option(section, option) if option is not None and value is None: value = "" if info is None: if option is None: info = self.INFO_ADDED_SECT else: info = self.INFO_ADDED_VAR.format(repr(value)) # Search for existing conflicting settings. conflict_id = None found_setting = False if config.get([section, option]) is None: for key in config.get_value(): existing_section = key if not existing_section.startswith(section): continue existing_base_section = metomi.rose.macro.REC_ID_STRIP.sub( "", existing_section ) if option is None: # For section 'foo', look for 'foo', 'foo{bar}', 'foo(1)'. found_setting = ( existing_section == section or existing_base_section == section ) else: # For 'foo=bar', don't allow sections 'foo(1)', 'foo{bar}'. found_setting = ( existing_section != section and existing_base_section == section ) if found_setting: conflict_id = existing_section break if option is not None: for keys, _ in config.walk([existing_section]): existing_option = keys[1] existing_base_option = ( metomi.rose.macro.REC_ID_STRIP_DUPL.sub( "", existing_option ) ) # For option 'foo', look for 'foo', 'foo(1)'. if existing_section == section and ( existing_option == option or existing_base_option == option ): found_setting = True conflict_id = self._get_id_from_section_option( existing_section, existing_option ) break if found_setting: break else: found_setting = True conflict_id = None # If already added, quit, unless "forced". if found_setting: if forced and (conflict_id is None or id_ == conflict_id): # If forced, override settings for an identical id. return self.change_setting_value( config, keys, value, state, comments, info ) if conflict_id: self.add_report( section, option, value, self.WARNING_ADD_CLASH.format(id_, conflict_id), is_warning=True, ) return False # Add parent section if missing. if option is not None and config.get([section]) is None: self.add_setting(config, [section]) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): text = "New value {0} for {1} is not a string" raise ValueError(text.format(repr(value), id_)) # Set (add) the section/option. config.set( [section, option], value=value, state=state, comments=comments ) self.add_report(section, option, value, info)
[docs] def change_setting_value( self, config, keys, value, forced=False, comments=None, info=None ): """Change a setting (option) value in the configuration. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. value (str): The new value. Required for options, can be ``None`` for sections. forced (bool): Create the setting if it is not present in config. comments (list): List of comment lines (strings) for the new setting or ``None``. info (str): A short string containing no new lines, describing the addition of the setting. Returns: None """ section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) id_ = self._get_id_from_section_option(section, option) node = config.get([section, option]) if node is None: if forced: return self.add_setting( config, keys, value=value, comments=comments, info=info ) return False if node.value == value: return False if option is None: text = "Not valid for value change: {0}".format(id_) raise TypeError(text) if info is None: info = self.INFO_CHANGED_VAR.format(repr(node.value), repr(value)) if value is not None and not isinstance(value, str): text = "New value {0} for {1} is not a string" raise ValueError(text.format(repr(value), id_)) node.value = value if comments is not None: node.comments = comments self.add_report(section, option, value, info)
[docs] def get_setting_value(self, config, keys, no_ignore=False): """Return the value of a setting or ``None`` if not set. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. no_ignore (bool): If ``True`` return ``None`` if the setting is ignored (else return the value). Returns: object - The setting value or ``None`` if not defined. """ section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) if config.get([section, option], no_ignore=no_ignore) is None: return None return config.get([section, option]).value
[docs] def remove_setting(self, config, keys, info=None): """Remove a setting from the configuration. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. info (str): A short string containing no new lines, describing the addition of the setting. Returns: None """ section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) if option is None: if config.get([section]) is None: return False option_node_pairs = config.walk([section]) for opt_keys, _ in option_node_pairs: opt = opt_keys[1] self._remove_setting(config, [section, opt], info) return self._remove_setting(config, [section, option], info)
[docs] def rename_setting(self, config, keys, new_keys, info=None): """Rename a setting in the configuration. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. new_keys (list): The new hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. info (str): A short string containing no new lines, describing the addition of the setting. Returns: None """ section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) new_section, new_option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(new_keys) if option is None: if new_option is not None: raise TypeError( self.ERROR_RENAME_SECT_TO_OPT.format( section, new_section, new_option ) ) elif new_option is None: raise TypeError( self.ERROR_RENAME_OPT_TO_SECT.format( section, option, new_section ) ) node = config.get(keys) if node is None: return if info is None: if option is None: info = self.INFO_RENAMED_SECT.format(section, new_section) else: info = self.INFO_RENAMED_VAR.format( section, option, new_section, new_option ) if option is None: if config.get([new_section]) is not None: self.remove_setting(config, [new_section]) self.add_setting( config, [new_section], value=None, forced=True, state=node.state, comments=node.comments, info=info, ) for option_keys, opt_node in config.walk([section]): renamed_option = option_keys[1] self.add_setting( config, [new_section, renamed_option], value=opt_node.value, forced=True, state=opt_node.state, comments=opt_node.comments, info=info, ) else: self.add_setting( config, new_keys, value=node.value, forced=True, state=node.state, comments=node.comments, info=info, ) self.remove_setting(config, keys)
[docs] def enable_setting(self, config, keys, info=None): """Enable a setting in the configuration. This will reset ignored and trigger ignored settings back to the default state. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. info (str): A short string containing no new lines, describing the addition of the setting. Returns: False - if the setting's state is not changed else ``None``. """ return self._ignore_setting( config, list(keys), info=info, state=metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_NORMAL, )
[docs] def ignore_setting( self, config, keys, info=None, state=metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_USER_IGNORED, ): """User-ignore a setting in the configuration. Args: config (metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode): The application configuration. keys (list): A list defining a hierarchy of node.value 'keys'. A section will be a list of one keys, an option will have two. info (str): A short string containing no new lines, describing the addition of the setting. state (str): A :py:class:`metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode` state. :py:data:`metomi.rose.config.ConfigNode.STATE_USER_IGNORED` by default. Returns: False - if the setting's state is not changed else ``None``. """ return self._ignore_setting(config, list(keys), info=info, state=state)
def _ignore_setting(self, config, keys, info=None, state=None): """Set the ignored state of a setting, if it exists.""" section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) node = config.get([section, option]) if node is None or state is None: return False if option is None: value = None else: value = node.value info_text = self.INFO_STATE.format( IGNORE_MAP[node.state], IGNORE_MAP[state] ) if node.state == state: return False if info is None: info = info_text node.state = state self.add_report(section, option, value, info) def _remove_setting(self, config, keys, info=None): """Remove a setting from the configuration, if it exists.""" section, option = self._get_section_option_from_keys(keys) if config.get([section, option]) is None: return False if info is None: info = self.INFO_REMOVED node = config.unset([section, option]) value = "" if node.value: value = node.value self.add_report(section, option, value, info) def _get_section_option_from_keys(self, keys): return (keys + [None])[:2]
class MacroUpgradeManager: """Manage the upgrades.""" def __init__(self, app_config, downgrade=False): self.app_config = app_config self.downgrade = downgrade self.new_version = None self.named_tags = [] opt_node = app_config.get( [metomi.rose.CONFIG_SECT_TOP, metomi.rose.CONFIG_OPT_META_TYPE], no_ignore=True, ) tag_items = opt_node.value.split("/") if len(tag_items) > 1: self.tag = tag_items.pop(-1) else: self.tag = "HEAD" self.meta_flag_no_tag = "/".join(tag_items) self.version_macros = None self.version_module = None self.reports = None self.new_tag = None self.load_all_tags() def load_all_tags(self): """Load an ordered list of the available upgrade macros.""" meta_path = metomi.rose.macro.load_meta_path( self.app_config, is_upgrade=True )[0] if meta_path is None: raise OSError(metomi.rose.macro.ERROR_LOAD_CONF_META_NODE) meta_path = os.path.abspath(meta_path) self.named_tags = [] for node in os.listdir(meta_path): node_meta = os.path.join( meta_path, node, metomi.rose.META_CONFIG_NAME ) if os.path.exists(node_meta): self.named_tags.append(node) self.version_module = get_meta_upgrade_module(meta_path) if self.version_module is None: # No self._load_version_macros([]) return macro_info_tuples = metomi.rose.macro.get_macro_class_methods( [self.version_module] ) version_macros = [] if self.downgrade: grade_method = DOWNGRADE_METHOD else: grade_method = UPGRADE_METHOD for module_name, class_name, method, _ in macro_info_tuples: if method == grade_method: for module in [self.version_module]: if module.__name__ == module_name: macro_inst = getattr(module, class_name)() version_macros.append(macro_inst) self._load_version_macros(version_macros) def get_tags(self, only_named=False): """Return relevant tags, reversed order for downgrades.""" tags = [m.AFTER_TAG for m in self.version_macros] if self.downgrade: tags = [m.BEFORE_TAG for m in self.version_macros] if only_named: return [t for t in tags if t in self.named_tags] return tags def get_new_tag(self, only_named=False): """Obtain the default upgrade version.""" tags = self.get_tags(only_named=only_named) if not tags: return None return tags[-1] def set_new_tag(self, tag): """Set the new tag for upgrading/downgrading to.""" self.new_tag = tag def get_name(self): """Retrieve the display name for this.""" if self.downgrade: return NAME_DOWNGRADE.format(self.tag, self.new_tag) else: return NAME_UPGRADE.format(self.tag, self.new_tag) def get_macros(self): """Return the list of upgrade macros to be applied.""" if self.downgrade: prev_tags = [m.AFTER_TAG for m in self.version_macros] next_tags = [m.BEFORE_TAG for m in self.version_macros] else: prev_tags = [m.BEFORE_TAG for m in self.version_macros] next_tags = [m.AFTER_TAG for m in self.version_macros] try: start_index = prev_tags.index(self.tag) end_index = next_tags.index(self.new_tag) except ValueError: return [] return self.version_macros[start_index : end_index + 1] def transform( self, config, meta_config=None, opt_non_interactive=False, custom_inspector=False, ): """Transform a configuration by looping over upgrade macros.""" self.reports = [] for macro in self.get_macros(): if self.downgrade: func = macro.downgrade else: func = macro.upgrade res = {} if not opt_non_interactive: arglist = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args defaultlist = inspect.getfullargspec(func).defaults optionals = {} while defaultlist is not None and len(defaultlist) > 0: if arglist[-1] not in ["self", "config", "meta_config"]: optionals[arglist[-1]] = defaultlist[-1] arglist = arglist[0:-1] defaultlist = defaultlist[0:-1] else: break if optionals: if custom_inspector: res = custom_inspector(optionals, "upgrade_macro") else: res = metomi.rose.macro.get_user_values(optionals) upgrade_macro_result = func(config, meta_config, **res) config, i_changes = upgrade_macro_result self.reports += i_changes opt_node = config.get( [metomi.rose.CONFIG_SECT_TOP, metomi.rose.CONFIG_OPT_META_TYPE], no_ignore=True, ) new_value = self.meta_flag_no_tag + "/" + self.new_tag opt_node.value = new_value if self.downgrade: info = INFO_DOWNGRADED.format(self.tag, self.new_tag) else: info = INFO_UPGRADED.format(self.tag, self.new_tag) report = metomi.rose.macro.MacroReport( metomi.rose.CONFIG_SECT_TOP, metomi.rose.CONFIG_OPT_META_TYPE, new_value, info, ) self.reports += [report] return config, self.reports def _check_can_downgrade(self, macro_instance): # Check whether a macro instance supports a downgrade transform. return hasattr(macro_instance, DOWNGRADE_METHOD) def _upgrade_sort(self, mac1, mac2): return (mac1.BEFORE_TAG == mac2.AFTER_TAG) - ( mac2.BEFORE_TAG == mac1.AFTER_TAG ) def _load_version_macros(self, macro_insts): self.version_macros = [] for macro in macro_insts: if self.downgrade and macro.AFTER_TAG == self.tag: self.version_macros = [macro] break if not self.downgrade and macro.BEFORE_TAG == self.tag: self.version_macros = [macro] break if self.tag == "HEAD": # Try to figure out the latest upgrade version. macro_insts.sort(key=cmp_to_key(self._upgrade_sort)) next_taglist = [m.AFTER_TAG for m in macro_insts] temp_list = list(macro_insts) for macro in list(temp_list[1:]): if macro.BEFORE_TAG not in next_taglist: # Disconnected macro. temp_list.remove(macro) if temp_list: self.version_macros = [temp_list[-1]] if not self.version_macros: return while macro_insts: for macro in list(macro_insts): if ( self.downgrade and macro.AFTER_TAG == self.version_macros[-1].BEFORE_TAG ): macro_insts.remove(macro) self.version_macros.append(macro) break if ( not self.downgrade and macro.BEFORE_TAG == self.version_macros[-1].AFTER_TAG ): macro_insts.remove(macro) self.version_macros.append(macro) break else: # No more macros found. break def get_meta_upgrade_module(meta_path): """Import and return the module for a given meta_path. The meta_path should not contain a version, just the category. For example, it should be '/some/path/to/rose-meta/my-command' rather than '/some/path/to/my-command/vn9.1'. Let ImportErrors bubble up so they can be reported. """ meta_path = os.path.abspath(meta_path) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(meta_path, MACRO_UPGRADE_MODULE_PATH)): return None category = os.path.basename(meta_path) version_module = None if os.path.exists(os.path.join(meta_path, "")): # The category directory is a package. sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(meta_path)) category_package = __import__(category) version_module = getattr(category_package, MACRO_UPGRADE_MODULE, None) sys.path.pop(0) else: sys.path.insert(0, meta_path) version_module = __import__(MACRO_UPGRADE_MODULE) sys.path.pop(0) return version_module def parse_upgrade_args(): """Parse options/arguments for rose macro and upgrade.""" opt_parser = metomi.rose.macro.RoseOptionParser( usage='rose app-upgrade [OPTIONS] [VERSION]', description=''' Upgrade an application configuration using metadata upgrade macros. Alternatively, show the available upgrade/downgrade versions: * `=` indicates the current version. * `*` indicates the default version to change to. If an application contains optional configurations, loop through each one, combine with the main, upgrade it, and re-create it as a diff vs the upgraded main configuration. ''', epilog=''' ARGUMENTS VERSION A version to change to. If no version is specified, show available versions. If `--non-interactive` is used, use the latest version available. If `--non-interactive` and `--downgrade` are used, use the earliest version available. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES optional ROSE_META_PATH Prepend `$ROSE_META_PATH` to the metadata search path. ''' ) options = [ "conf_dir", "meta_path", "non_interactive", "output_dir", "downgrade", "all_versions", ] opt_parser.add_my_options(*options) opts, args = opt_parser.parse_args() if len(args) > 1: sys.stderr.write(opt_parser.get_usage()) return None if opts.conf_dir is None: opts.conf_dir = os.getcwd() opts.conf_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.conf_dir) if opts.output_dir is not None: opts.output_dir = os.path.abspath(opts.output_dir) metomi.rose.macro.add_opt_meta_paths(opts.meta_path) config_name = os.path.basename(opts.conf_dir) config_file_path = os.path.join(opts.conf_dir, metomi.rose.SUB_CONFIG_NAME) if not os.path.exists(config_file_path) or not os.path.isfile( config_file_path ): metomi.rose.reporter.Reporter()( metomi.rose.macro.ERROR_LOAD_CONFIG_DIR.format(opts.conf_dir), kind=metomi.rose.reporter.Reporter.KIND_ERR, level=metomi.rose.reporter.Reporter.FAIL, ) return None return metomi.rose.macro.load_conf_from_file( opts.conf_dir, config_file_path, mode="upgrade" ) + ( config_name, args, opts, ) def main(): """Run rose upgrade.""" metomi.rose.macro.add_meta_paths() return_objects = parse_upgrade_args() if return_objects is None: sys.exit(1) app_config, config_map, meta_config, _, args, opts = return_objects if opts.conf_dir is not None: os.chdir(opts.conf_dir) verbosity = 1 + opts.verbosity - opts.quietness reporter = metomi.rose.reporter.Reporter(verbosity) meta_opt_node = app_config.get( [metomi.rose.CONFIG_SECT_TOP, metomi.rose.CONFIG_OPT_META_TYPE], no_ignore=True, ) if meta_opt_node is None or len(meta_opt_node.value.split("/")) < 2: reporter(metomi.rose.macro.MetaConfigFlagMissingError()) sys.exit(1) try: upgrade_manager = MacroUpgradeManager(app_config, opts.downgrade) except OSError as exc: reporter(exc) sys.exit(1) need_all_versions = opts.all_versions or args ok_versions = upgrade_manager.get_tags(only_named=not need_all_versions) if args: user_choice = args[0] else: best_mark = BEST_VERSION_MARKER curr_mark = CURRENT_VERSION_MARKER all_versions = [" " * len(curr_mark) + v for v in ok_versions] if opts.downgrade: all_versions.reverse() if all_versions: all_versions[0] = best_mark + all_versions[0].lstrip() all_versions.append(curr_mark + upgrade_manager.tag) else: if all_versions: all_versions[-1] = best_mark + all_versions[-1].lstrip() all_versions.insert(0, curr_mark + upgrade_manager.tag) reporter("\n".join(all_versions) + "\n", prefix="") sys.exit() if user_choice == upgrade_manager.tag: reporter(UpgradeVersionSame(user_choice)) sys.exit(1) elif user_choice not in ok_versions: reporter(UpgradeVersionError(user_choice)) sys.exit(1) upgrade_manager.set_new_tag(user_choice) combined_config_map = metomi.rose.macro.combine_opt_config_map(config_map) macro_function = lambda conf, meta, conf_key: upgrade_manager.transform( conf, meta, opts.non_interactive ) method_id = UPGRADE_METHOD.upper()[0] if opts.downgrade: method_id = DOWNGRADE_METHOD.upper()[0] macro_id = metomi.rose.macro.MACRO_OUTPUT_ID.format( method_id, upgrade_manager.get_name() ) new_config_map, changes_map = metomi.rose.macro.apply_macro_to_config_map( combined_config_map, meta_config, macro_function, macro_name=macro_id ) sys.stdout.flush() # Ensure text from macro output before next fn has_changes = metomi.rose.macro.handle_transform( config_map, new_config_map, changes_map, macro_id, opts.conf_dir, opts.output_dir, opts.non_interactive, reporter, ) if not has_changes: return new_meta_config = metomi.rose.macro.load_meta_config( new_config_map[None], directory=opts.conf_dir, config_type=metomi.rose.SUB_CONFIG_NAME, ignore_meta_error=True, ) config_map = new_config_map combined_config_map = metomi.rose.macro.combine_opt_config_map(config_map) macro_function = ( lambda conf, meta, conf_key: metomi.rose.macros.trigger.TriggerMacro().transform(conf, meta) ) new_config_map, changes_map = metomi.rose.macro.apply_macro_to_config_map( combined_config_map, new_meta_config, macro_function, macro_name=macro_id, ) trig_macro_id = metomi.rose.macro.MACRO_OUTPUT_ID.format( metomi.rose.macro.TRANSFORM_METHOD.upper()[0], MACRO_UPGRADE_TRIGGER_NAME, ) if any(changes_map.values()): metomi.rose.macro.handle_transform( config_map, new_config_map, changes_map, trig_macro_id, opts.conf_dir, opts.output_dir, opts.non_interactive, reporter, )