Source code for metomi.rose.reporter

# Copyright (C) British Crown (Met Office) & Contributors.
# This file is part of Rose, a framework for meteorological suites.
# Rose is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Rose is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Reporter for diagnostic messages."""

import doctest
import sys
import time
from typing import Optional

[docs] class Reporter: """Report diagnostic messages. Note: How about the "logging" module in the standard library? It needs a lot of fiddling to get it working in our reporting model. We want: * [FAIL] in any verbosity to stderr. * [WARN] in default verbosity to stderr. * Raw output to stdout in any verbosity. * [INFO] in default verbosity to stdout. * [INFO] in -v verbosity to stdout. * [INFO] in -vv verbosity to stdout. * and everything goes to the log file with -vv verbosity by default. """ _INST = None VV = 3 V = 2 DEFAULT = 1 WARN = 1 FAIL = 0 PREFIX_FAIL = "[FAIL] " PREFIX_INFO = "[INFO] " PREFIX_WARN = "[WARN] " KIND_ERR = "KIND_ERR" KIND_OUT = "KIND_OUT"
[docs] @classmethod def default(cls, verbosity=None, reset=False): """Return the default reporter.""" if cls._INST is None or reset: cls._INST = Reporter(verbosity) return cls._INST
def __init__(self, verbosity=DEFAULT, contexts=None, raise_on_exc=False): """Create a reporter with contexts at a given verbosity.""" self.contexts = {} if verbosity < 0: verbosity = 0 if contexts is not None: self.contexts.update(contexts) self.contexts.setdefault( "stderr", ReporterContext(self.KIND_ERR, verbosity) ) self.contexts.setdefault( "stdout", ReporterContext(self.KIND_OUT, verbosity) ) self.event_handler = None self.raise_on_exc = raise_on_exc
[docs] def format_msg(self, msg, verbosity, prefix=None, clip=None): """Format a message for reporting.""" msg_lines = [] if verbosity >= self.VV: stamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z ") else: stamp = "" if prefix: for line in msg.splitlines(): msg_line = prefix + stamp + line if clip is not None: msg_line = msg_line[:clip] msg_line = msg_line + "\n" msg_lines.append(msg_line) else: msg_line = stamp should_insert_newline = False if clip is not None: if msg.endswith("\n") and len(msg) > clip: should_insert_newline = True msg = msg[:-1] msg_line = msg_line + msg[:clip] if should_insert_newline: msg_line = msg_line + "\n" else: msg_line = msg msg_lines.append(msg_line) return msg_lines
[docs] def report(self, message, kind=None, level=None, prefix=None, clip=None): """Report a message, if relevant for the reporter contexts. message: The message to report. An Event, an Exception, an object with a __str__ method, or a callable that returns an object with a __str__ method. kind: The message kind. The default is determined by message. If it is an Event, the default is message.kind. If it is an Exception, the default is KIND_ERR. Otherwise, the default is KIND_OUT. level: The level of the message. The default is determined by message. If it is an Event, the default is message.level. If it is an Exception, the default is FAIL. Otherwise, the default is DEFAULT. prefix: Prefix each line of the message with this prefix. Default is context dependent. clip: The maximum length of the message to print. If self.event_handler is defined, self.event_handler with all the arguments and return its result instead. """ if isinstance(message, bytes): message = message.decode() if callable(self.event_handler): return self.event_handler(message, kind, level, prefix, clip) if isinstance(message, Event): if kind is None: kind = message.kind if level is None: level = message.level elif isinstance(message, Exception): if kind is None: kind = self.KIND_ERR if level is None: level = self.FAIL if kind is None: kind = self.KIND_OUT if level is None: level = self.DEFAULT msg = None for key, context in list(self.contexts.items()): if context.is_closed(): self.contexts.pop(key) # remove contexts with closed handles continue if context.kind is not None and context.kind != kind: continue if level > context.verbosity: continue if prefix is None: prefix = context.get_prefix(kind, level) elif callable(prefix): prefix = prefix(kind, level) if msg is None: if callable(message): msg = message() else: msg = message msg = str(msg) msg_lines = self.format_msg(msg, context.verbosity, prefix, clip) for line in msg_lines: context.write(line) if isinstance(message, Exception) and self.raise_on_exc: raise message
__call__ = report
class ReporterContext: """A context for the reporter object. It has the following attributes: kind: The message type to report to this context. (Reporter.KIND_ERR, Reporter.KIND_ERR or None.) verbosity: The verbosity of this context. handle: The file handle to write to. prefix: The default message prefix (str or callable). """ TTY_COLOUR_ERR = "\033[1;31m" TTY_COLOUR_NORM = "\033[0m" def __init__( self, kind=None, verbosity=Reporter.DEFAULT, handle=None, prefix=None ): if kind == Reporter.KIND_ERR: if handle is None: handle = sys.stderr elif kind == Reporter.KIND_OUT: if handle is None: handle = sys.stdout self.kind = kind self.handle = handle self.verbosity = verbosity self.prefix = prefix def get_prefix(self, kind, level): """Return the prefix suitable for the message kind and level.""" if self.prefix is None: if kind == Reporter.KIND_OUT: if level: return Reporter.PREFIX_INFO else: return "" elif level > Reporter.FAIL: return self._tty_colour_err(Reporter.PREFIX_WARN) else: return self._tty_colour_err(Reporter.PREFIX_FAIL) if callable(self.prefix): return self.prefix(kind, level) else: return self.prefix def is_closed(self): """Return True if the context's handle is closed.""" return self.handle.closed def write(self, message): """Write the message to the context's handle.""" if isinstance(self.handle, doctest._SpoofOut): # If context is a doctest: ret_code = self.handle.write(message) else: try: ret_code = self.handle.buffer.write(message.encode("utf-8")) except TypeError: ret_code = self.handle.write(message) except AttributeError: ret_code = self.handle.write(message.encode('UTF-8')) self.handle.flush() return ret_code def _tty_colour_err(self, str_): """Colour error string for terminal.""" try: if self.handle.isatty(): return "%s%s%s" % ( self.TTY_COLOUR_ERR, str_, self.TTY_COLOUR_NORM, ) except AttributeError: pass return str_ class Event: """A base class for events suitable for feeding into a Reporter.""" VV = Reporter.VV V = Reporter.V DEFAULT = Reporter.DEFAULT WARN = Reporter.WARN FAIL = Reporter.FAIL KIND_ERR = Reporter.KIND_ERR KIND_OUT = Reporter.KIND_OUT LEVEL: Optional[int] = None KIND: Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.level = kwargs.pop("level", self.LEVEL) self.kind = kwargs.pop("kind", self.KIND) self.kwargs = kwargs def __str__(self): if len(self.args) == 1: return str(self.args[0]) return str(self.args)