Allows the user to generate a new suite and provides a new unique suite id which is provided by the rosie repository. E.g.:
rosie create
Copies an existing suite from a roses repository to a new suite id. E.g.:
# rosie copy FROM-ID, e.g.: rosie copy my-su173
The syntax of the FROM-ID is PREFIX-xxNNN[/BRANCH][@REV] (e.g. my-su173, my-su173/trunk, my-su173/trunk@HEAD). If REV is not specified, the last changed revision of the branch is used. If BRANCH is not specified, trunk is used.
The suite is assigned to the user invoking rosie copy, making them the owner unless they change this in the file. The is opened in an editor for the user to edit appropriately when the suite is being created. The should provide information from the user to make the suite easily discoverable by themselves and others. Add information to the title and project as required to make it meaningful and easily searchable using tools such as:
rosie go
the suite browser GUI tool provided by Rose, or:
rosie lookup/ls
the command line terminal search of all of the users suites in the rosie repository.
Checks out an existing suite specified by $SUITE_ID from the rosie repository to your local roses/ directory using the original $SUITE_ID. E.g.:
rosie checkout $SUITE_ID
This suite is not a new unique copy and the original owner still owns the suite and therefore the only person that can commit back to the trunk of that suite. If desired, the suite owner can add the person to the access list (in the file) which then would give the named person full access to the suite. The suite owner may decide not to give trunk access to other developers/users but can themselves merge others branch changes in to the trunk of their suite.
For developers/users that checkout a suite and want to branch from the suite the users should refer to their organisations version control system. If you are using fcm as a wrapper to svn then:
rosie checkout $SUITE_ID cd roses/$SUITE_ID fcm bc $BRANCH_NAME # Create new branch fcm sw $BRANCH_NAME # Swap to branch fcm info # Returns the infomation including the url.