
A framework for housekeeping files and directories created by tasks in a cycling Cylc workflow.

When Cylc workflows run, jobs may create files and logs in multiple different locations on the network. After a few cycles of the workflow, these files can build up, however, older files might not be needed any more.

The rose_prune app can be used to remove files from older cycles from wherever they are stored on the network in order to free up space for later cycles.


The rose_prune app should be run on a “local” host (e.g. the Cylc server), it uses ssh to remove files on any “remote” hosts where tasks ran.

Local Vs Remote Hosts

Local hosts

When you start a Cylc workflow, a scheduler is launched.

The host where the scheduler starts is the “local” host. Any other hosts which share the same filesystem (i.e. which see the same $HOME directory) are also “local”.

The Cylc scheduler manages some files on the “local” filesystem, e.g. the scheduler log. Cylc may be configured to copy remote job logs back to the local filesystem.

Remote hosts

Jobs are often configured to run on “remote” hosts which do not share the same filesystem as the Cylc server (e.g. some HPC systems). The job logs and any files these jobs create will be on the “remote” filesystem.


To write a rose_prune app, add these lines at the top of a rose-app.conf file:


Then run in a task in a Cylc workflow using rose task-run.


If the mode is not specified, the rose_prune mode will be automatically selected if the app is run by a Cylc task with a name that starts with rose_prune.



# remove log files on remote filesystems from cycles which are 6 hours or
# more before the current cycle
# i.e. ssh <remote-host> rm -r ~/cylc-run/<workflow>/<log>/<job>/<cycle>

# archive (e.g. "tar") local log files from cycles one day or more before
# the current cycle
# i.e. gzip cylc-run/<workflow>/<log>/<job>/<cycle>

# remove local log files from cycles 7 days or more before the current cycle
# i.e. ssh <remote-host> rm -r ~/cylc-run/<workflow>/<log>/<job>/<cycle>

# remove files matching the globs from the Cylc work directory
# i.e. ssh <local/remote-host> rm -r ~/cylc-run/<workflow>/work/<cycle>/<glob>
prune{work}=-PT6H:task_x* -PT12H:*/other*.dat -PT18H:task_y* -PT24H

# remove selected items from the share/cycle directory
# ssh <local/remote-host> rm -r ~/cylc-run/<workflow>/share/cycle/<cycle>/<glob>
prune{share/cycle}=-PT6H:foo* -PT12H:'bar* *.baz*' -P1D

# remove selected paths from the share directory
# i.e. ssh <local/remote-host> rm ~/cylc-run/<workflow>/share/hello-*-at-<cycle>.txt


The application is configured in the rose_prune[prune] section in the rose-app.conf file.

All settings are expressed as a space delimited list of cycles, normally as cycle points or offsets relative to the current cycle.

Workflow Cycling Type

Datetime Cycling

Integer Cycling

Cycle Point format

ISO8601 datetime (e.g. 20000101T00Z - the 1st of Jan 2000)

Integer (e.g. 2 - the second cycle)

Cycle offset format

ISO8601 duration (e.g. -P1DT6H - one day and 6 hours before the current cycle point).

Integer duration (e.g. -P2 - two cycles before the current cycle point)

The cycles of some settings also accept an optional argument followed by a colon. In these, the argument should be globs for matching items in the directory. If two or more globs are required, they should be separated by a space. In which case, either the argument should be quoted or the space should be escaped by a backslash.


rose_prune uses Bash extglob pattern matching which supports simple (e.g. *) and extended (e.g. !(foo)) pattern matching.

For more information see the shopt documentation for the version of bash you have installed ($ man shopt).

Rose App rose_prune
Config [prune]
Config cycle-format{key}= format

Specify a key to a format string for use in conjunction with a prune{item-root}=cycle:globs setting.

For example, we may have something like cycle-format{cycle_year}=CCYY and prune{share}=-P1Y:xmas-present-%(cycle_year)s/. If the current cycle point is 20151201T0000Z, it will clear out the directory share/xmas-present-2014/.

The key can be any string that can be used in a %(key)s substitution, and format should be a a valid rose date print format.

Config prune-remote-logs-at= cycle ...

Remove remote job logs at these cycles.

Config prune-server-logs-at= cycle ...

Remove logs on the suite server. Removes both log directories and archived logs.

Config archive-logs-at= cycle ...

Archive all job logs at these cycles. Remove remote job logs on success.

Config prune{item-root}= cycle[:glob] ...

Remove items from within a specified directory.


A path within the workflow’s run directory e.g. work or share/cycle.


The cycle to remove items from or an offset from the current cycle.


Remove only files matching a glob pattern.

By default rose_prune will remove files within a cycle subdirectory under item-root, E.g. If current cycle is 20141225T1200Z, prune{work}=-PT12H will remove the work/20141225T0000Z/ directory.

If you want to clear out paths that include a cycle, rather than a cycle subdirectory, you can template the path using the %(cycle)s substitution, E.g. If current cycle is 20141225T1200Z, then prune{share}=-PT12H:%(cycle)s.txt will remove share/20141225T0000Z.txt.

To use different date-time formats, add custom subsitutions using cycle-format{key}=format, E.g. cycle-format{cycle_year_month}=CCYYMM.


If the current cycle is 20141225T1200Z:

# remove work/20141225T0000Z/

# remove work/20141225T0000Z/glob*

# remove share/hello-*-at-20141225T0000Z.txt

# remove share/hello-*-at-201412.txt

# remove share/hello-*-at-2014.txt

# remove share/cycle/<cycle>/<glob>
prune{share/cycle}=-PT6H:foo* -PT12H:'bar* *.baz*' -P1D
Config prune-work-at= cycle[:globs] ...

Deprecated since version 2015.04.0: Equivalent to prune{work}=cycle[:globs] ....

Config prune-datac-at= cycle[:globs] ...

Deprecated since version 2015.04.0: Equivalent to prune{share/cycle}=cycle[:globs] ....