
Polling allows you to check for some condition to be met prior to running the main command in an app without the need for additional entries in the dependencies graph.

For example, you might want to run a polling command to check for the existence of a particular file before running the main command which requires said file.


Create a new Rose suite configuration:

mkdir -p ~/cylc-src/polling
cd ~/cylc-src/polling

Create a blank rose-suite.conf and a flow.cylc file that looks like this:

    UTC mode = True # Ignore DST
        R1 = """
            compose_letter => send_letter
            bob => read_letter

This is a simple workflow which consists of the following:

  • A compose_letter task.

  • A send_letter task which is run once the letter is composed.

  • A bob task which we will be using to poll with.

  • A read_letter task which will run once the polling task is complete.

It will need some runtime. Add the following to your flow.cylc file:

        script = sleep 10
        script = sleep 5; echo 'writing a letter to Bob...'
        env-script = eval `rose task-env`
        script = """
            sleep 5
            echo 'Hello Bob' > $ROSE_DATA/letter.txt
            sleep 10

        script = rose task-run
        env-script = eval `rose task-env`
        script = sleep 5; cat $ROSE_DATA/letter.txt
        post-script = rm $ROSE_DATA/letter.txt

Adding Polling

In the source directory create an app directory.

In the app directory create a directory called bob.

In the newly-created bob directory, create a rose-app.conf file.

Edit the rose-app.conf file to look like this:

test=test -e $ROSE_DATA/letter.txt

default=echo 'Ooh, a letter!'

We now have an app that does the following:

  • Has a polling test that checks for the existence of a file.

  • Polls up to 10 times with 5 second delays between each attempt.

  • Prints a message once the polling test succeeds.


The ordering of the [poll] and [command] sections is not important. In practice, it may be preferable to have the [command] section at the top as that should contain the main command(s) being run by the app.

Save your changes and install and run the workflow using cylc install and cylc play:

cylc validate .
cylc install
cylc play polling

Notice that bob finishes and triggers read_letter before send_letter has completed. This is because the polling condition has been met, allowing the main command in bob to be run.

Improving The Polling

At present we have specified our own routine for testing for the existence of a particular file using the test option. However, Rose provides a simpler method for doing this.

Edit the rose-app.conf in your bob app to look like the following:


default=echo 'Ooh, a letter!'

Polling is now making use of the all-files option, which allows you to specify a list of files to check the existence of. Save your changes, install and run the workflow to confirm it still works.

Available Polling Types

Test and all-files are just two of the available polling options:


Tests if all of the files in a list exist.


Tests if any of the files in a list exist.


Changes the test used to evaluate the any-files and all-files lists to a shell script to be run on each file (e.g. grep). Passes if the command exits with a zero return code.


Tests using a shell script, passes if the command exits with a zero return code. Note this is separate from the all-files, any-files testing logic.


For more details see Application Configuration.

Possible Uses For Polling

Depending on your needs, possible uses for polling might include:

  • Checking for required output from a long-running task rather than waiting for the task to complete.

  • Monitoring output from another suite.

  • Checking if a file has required content before using it.